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Introduction to Using the MMPI-3 in Psychological Practice: Online Webinar 1


Professor Martin Sellbom

University of Otago


4 December 2020

10:00am – 1:00pm AEDT


This three-hour webinar introduces the 335-item MMPI-3, the most recent version of the MMPI instruments, to psychologists across different areas of clinical practice. It will not assume any prior knowledge of the MMPI instruments. Topics include the rationale for, and methods used to develop the instrument, the various materials available to score and interpret the test, understanding the nature of the new normative sample, psychometric functioning of the MMPI-3 scales, and interpretive recommendations. The recommended strategy for MMPI-3 interpretation will be illustrated through clinical case examples derived from a variety of settings.


Cost: $176 AUD 



Making the Move from MMPI-2-RF to MMPI-3: An Advanced Topics Webinar: Online Webinar 2


Professor Martin Sellbom

University of Otago


5 December 2020

10:00am – 1:00pm AEDT


This three-hour webinar will assume knowledge of the MMPI-2-RF and will provide an overview of the similarities and differences between the MMPI-2-RF and MMPI-3, including a description of the rationale for and methods used to develop the MMPI-3. The webinar will describe the new normative sample and psychometrics of MMPI-3 scales, including how psychologists can rely upon the previous MMPI-2-RF literature in generating inferences based on MMPI-3 information. Furthermore, the second section of this advanced webinar will describe the use and interpretation of the MMPI-3 for forensic and related (e.g., disability) evaluations. This section will cover considerations for using MMPI-3 information to address common psycho/medico-legal questions, including more advanced coverage of the validity scales in detecting response bias. Case illustrations from forensic and related contexts will be included.

Cost: $176 AUD 

*Please note webinar 1 and 2 will be delivered via zoom. The event is not refundable within 24hrs of the event. 


Martin Sellbom


Martin Sellbom is a Professor in Clinical Psychology at the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand. He received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology in 2007 from Kent State University. His research focuses on psychopathy and other personality disorders, the integration of personality and psychopathology, and personality assessment with the MMPI instruments. Prof Sellbom's work has been featured in over 230 publications and he has co-authored a book on the forensic applications of the MMPI-2-RF (published by the University of Minnesota Press). He has won several awards, including the American Psychological Foundation’s Theodore Millon mid-career award for advancing personality science, American Psychology-Law Society’s Saleem Shah Award and Society for Personality Assessment’s Samuel and Anne Beck Award for early career achievement. He serves as the Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Personality Assessment. For his clinical practice, Prof Sellbom specialises in forensic psychological evaluations.


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